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Friday, June 18, 2010

Inspirational photo day! Yay!

I think it is good to just look and admire photos of things that make you smile, amuse you, make you laugh, make you say "awww" out loud. I hope you have such reactions.


We do this too much, yes we have obligations but why push ourselves to be with people that just bring you down or you just do not plain like. I am going to try to just say "No" more.

Walk in the park more, nature does nurture.

I hope this one makes you say "awww" out loud. 

Do things that made you happy as a child, don't feel silly. Be who you are, do what makes you feel good. I bought a jump rope the other day, gave me such a huge smile. I want a hula hoop next. 

AWW. Get a pet, they are the pure essence of love. Once I can, I will get a Pug and love it to pieces!

This is the last puppy. Haha, increases my mood for sure.
Go to APlaceToLoveDogs if you want to love dogs some more.


Have a GREAT weekend lovelies.


All these photos came from miscellaneous sources on

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Nitika Chopra; Goal setting and Accomplishing!

Nitika Chopra, I want to talk to her more.

Check out the Beauty Bean, she is one of the writers, along with some other great ones.
Interesting articles.

I am so sleepy.

Although we’re all certainly surrounded by talented people who go after their dreams, we also find ourselves (often, frustratingly so,) surrounded by people who only talk about their dreams. You know, those people who say they want to get healthier but never work out or eat well or the ones that complain constantly about their jobs but make little effort to look for a new one.  Does any of this sound like you?  (Don’t worry, it sounds like a lot of us too!)


This is what causes so much anxiety, maybe we do just "think too much".
Make-up Free mondays, is a cute idea. You see more of that on the facebook and blog.

Here, some tips on getting started with setting goals and accomplishing them! :
Set a goal. Write down the ultimate dream you have for yourself.
Make a daily plan. Figure out an action that you can take every day that sets you on the right path. If you want a new job, maybe make a goal to speak to at least 1 person per day regarding his or her profession.  Remember, you don’t have to suffer to get what you want; it just takes commitment and discipline. Over time, small actions will lead to big results.
Write down a long-term plan. It can be a plan for the whole year or simply a month long journey. Do not, however, use this plan to beat yourself up if there are goals you do not reach! This plan is meant to hold you accountable and ensure you’re headed in the right direction.  If you find that you are not moving forward the way you intended to, allow yourself to reevaluate your plan.
Have compassion for your journey. This is the most important point of all: when you bring love to your experiences, you bring life to those situations and allow for more growth.
Get started. So what are you waiting for?  The world is waiting for you to make your mark. Start today!

From her article in TheBeautyBean.

Rescue Remedy

It sure is hard to come up with anything happy when I am not feeling it but I went to Rescue Remedy by Bach and thought this was nice.

I have this and use it sometimes. It does help.

Cool, Calm and Relaxed

If you feel like you've “had enough”, follow these simple tips to restore focus and regain inner calm wherever you are:
Relax - Take 10 deep breaths. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly.
Exercise - Learn some basic yoga techniques or just take a 10 minute walk.
smile - Think of a happy time. It is near impossible to keep frowning while smiling and laughter stimulates the production of mood enhancing endorphins.
calm - Let your imagination take you to a calm and tranquil place that exudes peace, serenity and beauty.
Use Your Lunchbreak - Take time out for yourself. A walk in the park, especially if it is sunny, can do wonders for your mood. It will help you work more efficiently in the afternoon too.
Escape - If you are able to, walk away. Removing yourself from a stressful situation can give you time to restore some perspective.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I want your feedback, what are your anxieties, fears or depressions and so on? What are some things you do to ease these unsettling feelings?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Interesting links

Some interesting finds on the internet world:

  •  "The world would rather hug you than hurt you"
  • --mindful eating
  • Plane installation.
  • of the advertising, this is a really interesting video made by Mathew Newton.
  • your hair the way it is!! 
  • great quotes!!

Photograph the path

Photographic evidence of change or resistance?

I just want to compare and contrast a photo I had taken in 2008 to 2010.


In 2008, I was clearly not feeling any connection with religion, or trying to see what others saw when they stepped inside a church. I felt blocked out. I was still drawn to a spiritual place, on a drive with my camera. I tend to question everything until my brain hurts. I was driven toward darker days, even when I wanted to be happy. Anxiety addiction.

In 2010, I block out myself entirely by a clock, time. I turn myself into time and I am overly concerned with time, where things are going, where they went, what will or will not happen, be here at this time and leave by that time. Time is a huge anxiety of mine now, maybe something I was not completely concerned with in 2008 when I felt comfortable enough to look for answers, as for now I am just running from them. Also, I block out my face entirely. I do have many days of feeling like I am completely slipping away, I still self-destruct with a massive amount of thoughts, as much or even more so than I did in 2008.

...Or maybe I just like to take photographs as an outlet. Maybe it just eases the anxiety as an act itself; pointing and shooting. Constructing a canvas with my eyes and recording it. 

What I am really trying to say is how important it is to remain creative...I let it slide, I let the drive almost disappear. Your passion, what you enjoy doing when you are not at work or maybe lucky enough to have that job that makes you, you...

Construct, in order not to self-destruct.

Friday, June 11, 2010

From the blog of Staci, check it out.

. Depression is for a lifetime, usually, if it a chemical imbalance of sorts, as mine is. I have been on and off of medication since I was 16..that's coming up on 8 years now. I can say I have made progress. Not without many setbacks when I was still younger (not even 20 yet), but I got through those. I can happily say I am on the least amount of medication I ever was, so that's progress to me. I am a recovering and former self injurer as well. Most who know me well understand and may have dealt with similar issues. I have anxiety which manifests itself in the form of certain OCD behaviors. I've learned to deal with it. I'm still young. I still struggle with bi polar type depression to this day, but I know how to handle it better. I learned when I got out of school that life is only going to get harder and that I need to focus on bettering myself to strengthen up for that. I believe we all have a time in our lives where we wonder if we can go on. I have had them, I have gotten through them, fortunately, but not always smoothly. I have had my share of depression induced behaviors and moments I am not proud of. I came to the conclusion that it would never be worth it to end my life, no matter what. I bare scars that I am not proud of, but at the same time, I am not ashamed. It shaped me into the person I am today. 6 years later, I can say I have made enough progress to actually start to enjoy life with minimal extra help. I don't want it to seem like I am glorifying mental illness, but there are a lot of people in this world who I honestly believe, to their dying day, that they have nothing wrong with them. The truth is, so many people experience depression, anxiety, suicidal thought, etc etc, and are ashamed. So many people are bullied in high school and as children, and that can bring anyone down. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Then, there are times that people truly feel that it's the only way out. It isn't I don't feel anyone should be ashamed to want to ask for help if they are feeling depressed. It happens to the best of us, and it doesn't make you or I or anyone else a lesser person for having to experience and cope with such disorders.

You realize that the one person you have to deal with for the  rest of your life is none other than...YOURSELF. Boyfriends, friends they come and go...unless you're one of the lucky ones. But keeping the people around that you cherish isn't only luck. treat them with kindness and let them know how much care. The good ones will stick around. Even 6 years later

I love her entry, it is so true. Don't look down on those who are suffering from mental illness, would you look down on someone who was suffering from a physical illness?

I hate the stigma put onto people who are depressed, have anxiety and so you think that makes them feel better? Nope, just more and more alone.

Check out Staci's

Daily affirmations

Now, as we get older why can't we manage to do this? Tell ourselves that nothing is
holding us back but ourselves?
I say try it, even if you aren't into it...tell yourself three good things about yourself daily. 
Write it down or scream it into the mirror like this cute girl.

(Search the amazon scroll near this entry to find books about positive affirmations).

What are three things you like about yourself today?

Here are some to start you off:

Positive Affirmations

- I am healthy and happy.

- Wealth is pouring into my life.

- I am sailing on the river of wealth.

- I am getting wealthier each day.

- My body is healthy and functioning in a very good way.

- I have a lot of energy.

- I study and comprehend fast.

- My mind is calm.

I really like this website, you can join for free and add your 
daily affirmations and see others.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

100 ideas by Keri Smith

                                                             100 Ideas
1. Go for a walk. Draw or list things you find on the the sidewalk. 2. Write a letter to yourself in the future. 3. Buy something inexpensive as a symbol for your need to create, (new pen, a tea cup, journal). Use it everyday. 4. Draw your dinner. 5. Find a piece of poetry you respond to. Rewrite it and glue it into your journal. 6. Glue an envelope into your journal. For one week collect items you find on the street. 7. Expose yourself to a new artist, (go to a gallery, or in a book.) Write about what moves you about it. 8. Find a photo of a person you do not know. Write a brief bio about them. 9. Spend a day drawing only red things. 10. Draw your bike. 11. Make a list of everything you buy in the next week. 12. Make a map of everywhere you went in one day. 13. Draw a map of the creases on your hand, (knuckles, palm) 14. Trace your footsteps with chalk. 15. Record an overheard conversation. 16. Trace the path of the moon in relation to where you live. 17. Go to a paint store. Collect ‘chips’ of all your favorite colors. 18. Draw your favorite tree. 19. Take 15 minutes to eat an orange. 20. Write a haiku. 21. Hang upside down for five minutes. 22. Hang found objects from tree branches. 23. Make a puppet. 24. Create an outdoor room from things you find in nature. 25. Read a book in one day. 26. Illustrate your grocery list. 27. Read a story out loud to a friend. 28. Write a letter to someone you admire. 29. Study the face of someone you do not like. 30. Make a meal based on a color theme. (i.e. all white). 31. Creat a museum of very small things. 32. List the smells in your neighborhood. 33. List 100 uses for a tin can. 34. Fill an entire page in your journal with small circles. Color them in. 35. Give away something you love. 36. Choose an object, draw the side you can’t see. 37. List all of the places you’ve ever lived. 38. Describe your favourite room in detail. 39. Write about your relationship with your washing machine. 40. Draw all of the things in your purse/bag. 41. Make a mini book based on the theme, “my grocery list”. 42. Create a character based on someone you know. Write a list of personality traits. 43. Recall your favorite childhood game. 44. Put postcards of art pieces/painting on the inside of your kitchen cupboard doors, so you can see them everyday (but not become deaf to them.) 45. Draw the same object every day for a week. 46. Write in your journal using a different medium (brush & ink, charcoal, old typewriter, crayons, fat markers. 47. Draw the individual items of your favorite outfit. 48. Make a useful item using only paper & tape. 49. Research a celebration or ritual from another culture. 50. Do a temporary art installation using a pad of post it notes & a pen. 51. Draw a map of your favorite sitting spots in your town/city. (photocopy it and give it to someone you like.) 52. Record all of the sounds you hear in the course of one hours. 53. Using a grid, collect various textures from magazine and play them off of each other. 54. Cut out all media for one day. Write about the effects. 55. Make pencil rubbings of six different surfaces. 56. Draw your garbage. 57. Do a morning collage. 58. List your ten most important things, (not including animals or people.) 59. List ten things you would like to do every day. 60. Glue a photo of yourself as a child into your journal. 61. Trasform some garbage. 62. Write an entry in your journal in really LARGE letters. 63. Collect some ‘flat’ things in nature (leaves, flowers). Glue or tape them into your journal. 64. Physically alter a page. (i.e. cut a hole, pour tea on it, burn it, fold it, etc.) 65. Find several color combinations you respond to in public. Document them using swatches, write where you found them. 66. Write a journal entry describing something “secret”. Cut it up into several pieces and glue them back in scrambled. 67. Record descriptions or definitions of subjects or words you are interested in, found in encyclopedias or dictionaries. 68. Draw the outline of an object without looking at the page. (contour drawing). 69. What were you thinking just now? write it down. 70. Do nothing. 71. Write a list of ten things you could to do. Do the last thing on the list. 72. Create an image using dots. 73. Do 3 drawings at different speeds. 74. Put a small object in your left pocket (or in a bag), Put your left hand in the pocket. Draw it by feel. 75. Create a graph documenting or measuring something in your life. 76. Draw the sun. 77. Create instructions for a simple everyday task. 78. Make prints using food. (fruit and vegetables cut in half, fish, etc.) 79. Find a photo. Alter it by drawing over it. 80. Write a letter using an unconventional medium. 81. Draw one object for twenty minutes. 82. Combine two activities that have not been combined before. 83. Write about your day in an encyclopedic fashion. (i.e. organize by subject.) 84. Write a list of all the things you do to escape. 85. Cut a random shape out of several layers of a magazine. Make a collage out of the results. 86. Write an entry in code. 87. Make a painting using tools from the bathroom. 88. Work with a medium that is subtractive. 89. Write about or draw some of the doors in your life. 90. Make a postcard that has some kind of activity on it. 91. Divise a journal entry using “layers”. 92. Divise an entry using “layers”. 93. Write your own definition of one of the following concepts, sitting, waiting, sleeping (without using the actual word.) 94. List 10 of your habits. 95. Illustrate the concept of “simplicity”.
100 ideas (pdf)
By Keri Smith

Click on the pdf link and you can easily print out the "100 Ideas" link and paste it in your journal,
tack it to your wall or throw it in your bag.
I am going to do so and post my creations!! I would LOVE to see yours.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Insecurity doesn't pay the bills

Great article for those who feel they are "the only on" feeling a certain way..

By Dave Navarro.

Photos to inspire

Photos to inspire the strength we have in each and every one of us.

I sincerely hope these images bring upon calm feelings.


Monday, June 7, 2010

Create yourself

Create who YOU want to be:

Make a list of what you want to be and what
you do not want to be.

If you want some inspiration, check out

Keri Smith is all about becoming the person
you want to be, she has tons of journals
and books and free online documents
that are a huge inspiration.

Also has an article on "100 Ways to Start Loving Yourself RIGHT Now"
Check it out:

Read it, post it on your wall! Anything that helps you become the person you want to be.
I just came to this realization that we are not stuck being that anxious girl/boy who is too
afraid to do certain things, worries all the time and so on and so forth. If we put in dedication
we CAN create a new self. A person that we have always wanted to become but were too
afraid of becoming.

I just started a list of my own with two columns; 1. Want to be 2. Don't want to be

Let it formulate on paper first.

I will share some of mine...

Jazz up my clothing
Care a lot less about what others "think" of me
Wear a signature "Jessica" piece
Create, create
Jump on a train and get off at the last stop
Get in my car and get lost

Don't want:
Boring clothing
holding myself back
I am who I am and I do not want to waste time thinking of what others think
Abolish fear

It all begins on paper...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Breaking a habit

Okay, this is not what it sounds, by "Kill yourself" I mean get rid of your old beliefs, habits and fears that are holding you back. "Walk Away" and create the YOU that you want to be.

It may start with faking it until you make in many books and articles, it is suggested that it takes around 30-40 days to break a habit. Now I am not a psychologist, although I do have a major in Psychology and Sociology. I have tried to do this a hundred times but after a few days of being the new Jessica, I would fall back into old patterns.

Behavior change is not merely a matter of knowledge or skill. If that were true, then all the information campaigns on how to improve your health would have made behavior-related illnesses a thing of the past. And birth control information would prevent teen pregnancies. Sadly, many people fail to create lasting change in their behavior and will repeat their failures over and over again in their lives. Have you ever tried to break a habit?

Have you ever tried to break a habit? Even something small at first, like biting your nails when you are stressed? Please share about your experiences.

Shelle Rose Chavret talks about how many of us do well in changing a habit for a few weeks until we revert to our old ways. She talks of the need to have something to look forward to and constantly reminding yourself that what you are doing will have such positive outcomes.

It may help to start an inventory;

Your Motivation Inventory

Do you have a behavior change project that is important to you? Here is checklist with a fill in the blank to make sure you have all your Motivation Triggers in place.

Away From: I do not want ____________________________________________________________.

Toward: What I want instead is ____________________________________________________________.

Negative Consequences: If I don’t succeed, what will happen that I don’t want? ____________________________________________________________.

Positive Consequences: When I do succeed what will happen that I want?


I can see in my mind’s eye an example of each of the above.

I have put this new habit inside this procedure that I already do naturally. ____________________________________________________________.

I am regularly accountable to _______________ for completing my goal.

I believe it is possible to do this because: ____________________________________________________________.

I have already succeeded at something like this in my life when I __________________________________________________________.

This is important to me because


The kind of person who does this is _____________________________________________________________.

I am that kind of person because _____________________________________________________________.

I will write down my weaknesses and maybe that will motivate someone to really take inventory (take a real good look) at what weaknesses they are working with and what they want instead!
I will start with one particular pattern that I want to change about myself.

Away From: I do not want to come home from work and sit on my butt and watch T.V or sit on the computer and wait for someone to come "take care of me".

Toward: What I want instead is to go for a jog after work, hit the gym, read a book at a local park, cook for myself.

Negative Consequences: If I don’t succeed, what will happen that I don’t want? I will feel terrible about not doing what I KNOW will help and I will sulk and give up.

Positive Consequences: When I do succeed what will happen that I want? I will feel good about myself for taking a step in the right direction, I will feel physically and emotionally better about not running to my apartment right from work and doing something with the energy that is flowing through me.

I have put this new habit inside this procedure that I already do naturally. I will begin small, I can simply take a different route home from work and stop in a store that I have never been to and take notice of how I feel doing something out of routine.

I am regularly accountable to MYSELF for completing my goal.

I believe it is possible to do this because: Despite what my anxiety likes to tell me, I am a strong person.

I have already succeeded at something like this in my life when I moved out of my dad's house to NYC.

This is important to me because I left my comfort zone. Although I am still, after 2 years feeling uncomfortable being out of the house and away from my dad, I am 23 years old and I feel proud of myself for leaving.

The kind of person who does this is a independent person, going out to build their own life.

I am that kind of person because that is the kind of person I want to be!

Please I hope you give this a try and maybe even submit your answers. You can start with one simple bad habit, like smoking.

Take it from Stevie Nicks;

Well, I've been afraid of changing
'Cause I've built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Children get older I'm getting older too
Yes I'm getting older too, so
"Landslide" - Fleetwood Mac


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Abandonment issues

I have finally come to the realization that I am so completely co-dependent. I have forgotten what I like, what to do with myself when "he" is not around. I have completely lost myself in my significant other, as I had done before with my ex-boyfriend.

Many will say this is a form of "abandonment issues".

Abandonment represents core human fear. We have all experienced it. When a relationship ends, the feelings harken all the way back to our lost childhoods when we were helpless, and dependent. Our adult functioning temporarily collapses.We feel shattered, bewildered, condemned to loneliness. As we apply the tools of recovery, at the bottom of abandonment's pain, we discover a wellspring of positive change.

Abandonment is a cumulative wound containing all of the losses and disconnections stemming all the way back to childhood. Abandonment is:

  • • A feeling
  • A feeling of isolation within a relationship
  • • An intense feeling of devastation when a relationship ends
    • An aloneness-not-by-choice
    • An experience from childhood
    • A baby left on the doorstep
    • A woman left by her husband of twenty years for another woman
    • A man being left by his finance for someone 'more successful'
    • A child left by his mother
    • A friend feeling deserted by a friend
    • A father leaving his marriage, moving out of the house, away from his children
    • A child whose pet dies
    • A little girl grieving over the death of her mother
    • A little boy wanting his mommy to come pick him up from nursery school
    • A child about to be 'replaced' by the birth of another sibling
    • A child needing his parents but they are emotionally unavailable
    • A boy realizing he is gay and anticipating the reaction of his parents and friends
    • A teenage boy with his heart twanging, but afraid to approach his love
    • A teenage girl feeling her heart is actually broken
    • A woman who has raised a family now grown, feeling empty, as if she has been deserted, as if the purpose of her life has abandoned her
    • A child stricken with a serious illness or injury watching his friends play while he must remain confined to braces, wheel chair, or bed
    • A woman who has lost her job and with it her professional identity, financial security, and status. Now she is left feeling worthless, not knowing how to occupy her time - - feeling abandoned by her life's mission
    • A man who has been 'put out to pasture' by his company, as if obsolete
    • People grieving the death of a loved one report feelings of abandonment
    • The dying fear being abandoned by their loved ones as much or more as they fear pain and death
    • Suicide is an excruciating form of abandonment
    • Abandonment is all of this and more. Its wound is at the heart of the variety of human experiences, and is found in the uniqueness of each person's life.
I know I relate to so many of these issues and I am suffering from them today in my relationship with my boyfriend. I do not know what to do when I am alone, I sometimes cry, I sleep A LOT, I feel intense fear.

This would be called-- Unresolved abandonment - - the source of our insecurities, addictions, compulsions, and distress.

What happens in your body when you feel fear?
• I'm tense
• I'm too serious
• I stop breathing deeply
• I'm tied in knots
• I freeze or feel numb
• I worry a lot
• I don't play and have fun
• I want to be somewhere else
• I attack

In order to heal your
abandonment issues
you must:

  1. Identify and heal the earlier experiences that underlie your issues (often child abandonment).
  2. Identify your beliefs, feelings, and unmet needs that formed in connection with those earlier experiences.
  3. Build the new, life-enhancing, coherent beliefs, feelings, and needs that will bring you inner power and deep, lasting growth.
  4. Create a "shift" in your energy field from the old to the new. This requires more than the usual "talking/thinking?understanding/problem solving" of the left brain.
  5. Become empowered by WHO YOU ARE. Connect with your genuine power and potential. Know that change is possible. Shift what you resonate with. I do this all day, every day. It is so very do-able~! "Simple but not easy" as the saying goes, unless you know how, of course.

  • What is it that keeps creating painful relationships?

  • Or blocks them from the start?

  • The answer is unique to each person.

  • Yet at the same time, there are many common issues that we share.

  • The truth is...most of us have a
    hurt and abandoned inner child.

    Your issues are rooted in the experience and reality of life...

    Life Is Abandoning. Think about it.


    Take a deep breath and use your noggin.

    There has to be a way to end this cycle and I am determined to find relief for you and for
    everyone who suffers from Anxiety/Depression.

    The other night I was in mid panic attack mode, I took a walk and was able to stop and really think about why I was acting the way I was. I traced back my feelings at the moment back to feelings I have had in the past, as a kid to be exact. I realized I was still acting out in the way I would when I was younger.

    I believe it is so important to really feel what you are feeling and think about why it is you are acting or feeling this way. Write it down, if you want or can. I think I will be doing this and reporting back my findings.

    Who else is SICK of the labels that are put on us? They tell us we are NO GOOD and to take medications. I know there is a better way. We are who we are and we just need to understand ourselves better instead of hiding our true-blue feelings with medicine.

    Develop a mantra and tell yourself this positive mantra all through out the day.

    I love this saying or "mantra" if you will. I have the full poster on my wall to remind me that if I keep calm in any situation I will be able to carry on. Anxiety and panic attacks are NOT all that you are.

    Go buy a notebook and keep notes on why you are having these certain feelings. I believe the first step is to realize why you are feeling a certain way.

    Keep Calm,

    Tuesday, June 1, 2010

    Anxiety Girl!

    Just trying to make light of anxiety. Thought this was cute.


    My name is Jessica 23 years old Dealing with Anxiety since I was in High school, I am in graduate school now. I want to create a safe place for people with all forms of anxiety to discuss, learn and help each other.

    I find this site to be very helpful for people just diagnosed
    with anxiety and wondering what it all means.

    I adore this website, Gala is all about self-love and finding yourself. Beautiful site.

    This is a great site, created by Gabrielle Bernstein. A place for woman to get together. Talk
    about what they are struggling with. Gabrielle Bernstein wrote the book " Add more ~ing to your life". I highly recommend this easy to read book.

    I hope to create a space for woman and men, dealing with anxiety and other emotional problems.